CD ROM Paradise Collection 4
CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
175 lines
#define INCL_WIN
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <os2.h>
// the standard number of data columns
#define STDCOL 5
#define XSLOT 0
#define YSLOT 1
#define ASLOT 2
#define CALCSLOT -3
#define BESTSLOT -2
#define FLAGSLOT -1
/* static data and parameters */
static double *data; /* start of complete data array */
/* The data is all in a contigous block starting with datx then daty followed by
* zero or more additional data columns as read in from the data file. The last
* three slots are: datt , the current best results and the flag array.
* Each point not in an exclusion zone has its corresponding flag TRUE.
static double *datx; /* x data read in from data file */
static double *daty; /* y data read in from data file */
static double *datt; /* generated data */
static int Ndat; /* number of data points */
static char firsttime;
static double **Ptr; /* pointer to parameter pointer array */
struct info_line
char *line;
/* Do not modify any code not enclosed by this and the end banner */
/* the next two values are compared to values passed by the program as check */
/* NADD is the number of additional data columns required for this function */
/* NPARAM is the number of parameters required by this function */
#define NADD 4
#define NPARAM 5
/* edit the following lines or add and delete new lines */
static struct info_line dll_info[] = {
"This function calculates the resistivity in GaAs",
"to compare with measured rho values obtained fron Hall effect",
"This function Uses Newton's method to solve a cubic.",
"The first data column is the sample number",
"The second column is the measured resistivity",
"4 Additional data columns are read in from the data file",
"The first is the C concentration, the second the Zn conc",
"the third the estimated donor concentration, last the mobility.",
"It requires 5 parameters as follows:",
"P1 is the EL2 density.",
"P2 is the EL2 activation energy.",
"P3 is the temperature.",
"P4 is the donor concentration multiplier",
"P5 is the Zn acceptor concentration multiplier",
VOID EXPENTRY fitfunc(void)
int i;
double nets;
double net;
double Nc,Nv;
double ni2; /* the intrinsic density squared */
double n; /* the electron density */
double n2;
double Nel2; /* El2 concentration */
double A,D,a,b,c,fn,dfn; /* temp values */
double ncexp;
double T,Eg,Ea; /* temperature, Gap and EL2 activation energy */
double toler = 1e-8;
double nseed = 1e19;
double K = 8.617335e-5; /* the Boltzmann constant in eV/K */
double Dgx,Dgl; /* the gamma,x and gamma,l separations in eV */
double DS,ZS; /* donor and zinc intensity divisors */
/* set pointers to additional read in data columns (if any) */
double *dat1,*dat2,*dat3,*dat4;
dat1 = datx + Ndat * (ASLOT + 0);
dat2 = datx + Ndat * (ASLOT + 1);
dat3 = datx + Ndat * (ASLOT + 2);
dat4 = datx + Ndat * (ASLOT + 3);
/* The next section is executed the first time through only */
/* so put any initialization code in here */
if (firsttime)
firsttime = FALSE;
/* give parameters more meaningful names */
Nel2 = *Ptr[1]; /* The El2 concentration */
Ea = *Ptr[2]; /* The EL2 activation energy */
T = *Ptr[3]; /* The temperature */
DS = *Ptr[4]; /* divide measured donor intensity by this */
ZS = *Ptr[5]; /* divide measured Zn intensity by this */
/* fix up the activation energy to acount for temperature variation */
Ea -= 2.37e-4 * T;
/* calculate the band gap and gamma,x and gamma,l separations*/
Eg = 1.519 - 5.405e-4 * T*T / (T + 204);
Dgx = 0.462 + 8.05e-5 * T*T / (T + 204);
Dgl = 0.296 - 6.45e-5 * T*T / (T + 204);
/* calculate the effective conduction band density of states Blakemore R164 */
Nc = 8.63e13 * sqrt(T*T*T) * ((1 - 1.93e-4 * T - 4.19e-8 * T*T) +
21 * exp(-Dgx / K / T) + 44 * exp(-Dgl / K / T));
Nv = 1.83e15 * sqrt(T*T*T);
ncexp = Nc * exp(-Ea / K / T);
/* calculate the intrinsic electron density squared */
ni2 = Nc * Nv * exp(-Eg / K / T);
c = ni2 * ncexp;
/* This is the main loop that calculates the function datt[] */
/* for all data points. Put your function in the loop body */
for (i = 0;i < Ndat;i++)
n = nseed;
A = dat1[i] + dat2[i] / ZS; /* total acceptors */
D = dat3[i] * A / DS; /* shallow donors */
nets = A - D;
Nel2 = Nel2 + nets; /* total EL2 concentration */
net = nets - Nel2;
a = nets - ncexp;
b = net * ncexp - ni2;
while (TRUE)
n2 = n * n;
fn = n * n2 + a * n2 + b * n - c;
dfn = 3 * n2 + 2 * a * n + b;
if ((fn / dfn / n) < toler) break;
n = n - fn / dfn;
datt[i] = n; /*the electron density */
/* Do not modify any code not enclosed by this and the start banner */
char EXPENTRY init_dll_globals(int N,int mb,int NP,double *dat,double *p[])
/* set globals */
firsttime = TRUE;
Ndat = N;
if (NADD != mb - STDCOL) return -1;
if (NPARAM != NP) return -2;
/* set array pointers */
data = dat;
daty = dat + N;
datx = dat;
datt = dat + (mb + CALCSLOT) * N; /* the calculated data goes into the third last slot */
/* set parameter pointers */
Ptr = p;
return 0;
struct info_line * EXPENTRY get_dll_info(void)
/* return pointer to array of info strings set up above */
return dll_info;